Techno Who would you peeps rate as the best techno DJ And what is your favourite techno tune? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at the best techno DJ but a few of my faves are Picotto, Chris Liebing and DJ Rush. Fave techno tune has to be John Starlight - Blood Angels
Haven't seen many techno djs live. Best tune definatly Tomasz vs Filterheadz - Sunshine. This was the track that brought techno into the mainstream this year.
tune was hopin mills would play it on friday! but no joy he did play pacific state tho and jaguar and blackwater and ooh the list goes on and on fave techno dj woulda said clarke... but after mills on friday, im undecided now he was fucking class
techno is the DEVILS music!! :evil: :evil: :evil: well some of it anyways!! some of it is actaully quite good i just hav preconcieved misconceptions that i hate it n always convince maself that i do but i can handle it in restricted doses!! xxxx
i quite like this....tiesto fave....been listenin to loads of tiesto sets, so its been drilled into me, so i quite like it now....
noooooooooooooooooooo! u dont hate techno at all!!! as u say ya just keep telling urself you do wen actually you it