Temp Web Design Job if anyone's interested... We are looking for someone to come and work with us for a couple of months to help with designing a web site. Basically we have a web site - www.magicandnoveltybox.com - which needs some work, re-branding and a lil bit of basic PHP work. I don't have the time as I have other projects that need my attention so we need someone who is willing to come in and work on the site. Must have knowledge of HTML/Dreamweaver, Photoshop, basic PHP (most of the programming work is done bits just need tweaking), Flash would be an advantage too. If anyone is interested email your CV to paul@magicbox.uk.com or post it to me at: FAO: Paul Magicbox 11 Percy Street Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PW
Already spoke to Fizz it's not really up his street. What we need is a student or someone looking for a bit extra cash over the summer (i.e., somebody cheap!! )...
would have a look paul, but im uber busy this week with my newcastle show and london show in two weeks.. maybes try revel/spud/jambon?