TFI friday so i dont have to speak to you happy bunch for two days shit i just realised im in work tomorrow
speaking of tfi friday, i got a works night out on tuesday at the riverside studios where they filmed it.
na mate, the riverside studios is in london! is there a riverside studios in newcastle aswell?? :spangled:
i dont know dude i cant say my knowlage of studios is of a high standard i'll tell you what though i applyed for tickets to watch top gear get filmed and now i get random emails inviting me to be in studio audience for diffrent prog's like ant n dec's poker face and the friday night project i dint know if your in to stuff like this most are filmed in london area and their free if you like when i get them i can forward them on co i aint gunna use em i take it you in london???
yes mate, i work at the beeb so we sometimes get first dibs on shows... ive seen greenday and the chillis do hour exclusive gigs so far for free... snuck our way into top of the pops once aswell which was quite interesting and blagged our way to the totp bar aswell where all the minge is... quality
Re: TFI friday you could always do us all a favour and fuck then we wouldnt have to eundure your endless drivel