That Whale that whale is still 'stuck' in the thames. there are three options 1.) whale fin soup with a main course of whale meat, 2.) tie a rope round its tail and toe the bastard back into the atlantic 3.) stand round it like pints of milk and splash the waterr to petrify the little sod
cos its daft, apparently if they swim to close to shore their sonar is about as useful as chololate fireguard. word is this one swam a bit to close and got mixed up and kept on swiming in.
wey when i rang him this morning he was chatting about fancying a bit of an adventure ya kna he wasnt expecting all this fuss but he thinks he's gonna stay there for a bit to lap up some more attention
give it a few days and some tree hugging greenpeace gypo will be hugging it shouting "if he goes so do i"
Hpw can something so big be sto stupid. Honestly. Chuck masses of mdma in the water I say.. he must be bored.
the missing peoples phoneline was going off the scale over sunderland, hundreds of blokes thought their wives had been found. (this post might work better in here) lol
so you've never been lost before? a whale can't exactly pull up to a petrol station to buy an A to Z can it