the 12th July 2007 i've been smoking for 6 months now after quitting for two years the last time i did. I before then was smoking since i was aged 11 eeeeh i'm just wondering for all the smokers what you gunna do when the ban comes in? Quit smoking or just smoke in ya house? what are the rules anyways when the new ban comes in does anyone know? *apologies if there are already threads about this - i just cant be arsed to read all the way down*
its 1st July should be good as it means they'll build loads more beer gardens and getting boozy outside is much better
shit ai, theres me who works in a bar agreeing with something i know is wrong.... duhhh. i dont think its gonna be that bad tbh - its just when it comes to winter people are ganna be pissed off that ya have to smoke in a monsoon outside. and since its the north east you can expect shite weather anyway this summer.
aye but if you smoke in the monsoon lol outside thats exactly my point what are you gunna do the ban forbits that ... coz do you mean smoke outside whilst your at work? i think thats gunna be stopped isnt it???
i don't go out much anyways but i do use it as an excuse why i can't stop smoking "i love a pint and a tab in bar". So, once the bans in, i'll have no excuse not to stop i like it though it'll be hard in clubs mind...