The '9-5 workers' hatred thread..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: This is a thread designed for all us poor sods stuck at work to vent about gripes and generally being fvcked off with life ... I think i'm having one of those weeks - you know the ones.. they start on monday morning and dont bloody end till friday!! Anyways - its one of those weeks where i just want to line every single person up at work and point out everything they are doing wrong and how things could be done better and how I COULD DO BETTER!!!!!!!!! phew.. i feel a little better. Come on then lads and lasses..... let the hatred flow!!!:evil: :evil:
u should try supporting lecturers or 'academics' as they like to be known nowadays.... They're like Doctors and Solicitors - they look down on everyone else and think they know everything about anything... when infact they should be banned from using computers and believing everything would be solved if "i had one of those flat screens" cause as one of them said to be the other day "i deserve one - do u know who i am?" an open invitation for me to say "no" and i did. back of the net! he went stomping off down the corridoor with his cords swooshing.
hahahah just had the classic - it's just happend!! ME : What did u press? NUMPTY : Nothing, i wasn't using it at the time ME : Really... What did u press? NUMPTY : Nothing. It must have done it by itself. ME : Come on now, really - what did u do? NUMPTY : Well... i WAS possibly trying to clear some space, i never created that windows directory and it wouldn't let me delete the whole thing so i had to remove the files manually but it kept giving me some message about "system folder" or something.... but that can't be the problem, can it? u can guess the rest. for fucks sake.
Lol - i did that once, within 2 days of getting my first pc.... must be a right pain in the arse being on the recieving end of it
I work 8:30 till 5 some bitch at work has been trying to get me into trouble today, talking behind my back, saying i talk to much (but im quiet aint i?) and dont get enough work done...:evil: anyways one of the supervisors told me to try and keep my nose clean around her even though she was a pain in the arse