The Board ? All the writing has gone dead small. And some of the smaller writing has gone all blurred, such as the names of whos online up at the top. Have i clicked some setting by accident? Or is there something up with the board?
i noticed earlier that the board looked different, i worked out it was coz the underlining had gone from the titles on screen and stuff, they seem to be back now there a conspiracy going on?
Cool, fanks! All the writin is the right size now! Ive had the font HUGE for munths, just thought it was ment to be like that!!! , can move a little closer to the screen now!
Right click yr desktop Left click properties Left click settings There you go It should be at least 800/600
I'd put it up to 1024 then click apply, see how you like it. You can always change it back. BTW the board should work fine on 800/600, it did for me when I just tried it.
Another way of changing text size for any other joeys out there or too cheap to have a scroll mouse is to go to 'View' then 'Text Size' - stick it on 'Medium' thats the default size.