The Chems How AMAZING were they last nite. Never ever witnessed a PA and visual set up like it in me life. Probz one of the best sets ive ever heard especially when they dropped battle weapon 7!!!!!!!!! John o'bir, Fergie, the shapeshifters and Mr.Tong all rocked aswell Class day!!!!!!! And me m8 won the tickest off this website so cheers MARK!!!!
Have to agree - the chems stole the show!!!! :worship: Absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Kasabian were clas and FOo Fighters...but the chems just wiped the floor with em tbh!! Even me mate who is not really into dance music was blown away by how good they were. UNREAL!
i told everyone before that the chems would rip there nuts off... and i was right all hail tom n ed :worship: