The Council Bunch of arse wanking twats! Just because i choose to work for a living and will continue to work until im around 36 or 37 weeks pregnant - im entitled to no help with accommodation My sisters on the other hand, breed kids for a living, dont work, default on there £5.66 weekly contributions in rent and get a lovely 2 bedroom house to live in + all the mod cons, my other sister whose having a little one is entitled to vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetables each week as well as a maternity grant of £500 to help towards baby things Never thought looking for a place would be such hard work any suggestions? :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
Re: The Council Yeah cos that is how it works Whats next there is box where people tick to say "I AM AN ASYLUM SEEKER". Most gaffs are let on points based system, do you not think that is fair? What you also need to remember is you sisters will not be able to apply for bedsits or 1 bedroom accommodation as no social landlord is going to put people with children in them sort of places. Councils & Housing Assoc do not have 100's of empty properties sitting empty waiting for people to move into, demand far outstrips what is needed. Drop me a PM with what & where you are looking for & I will give advice the best I can. If it is Sunderland your looking to live my advice will be limited.
i think she's saying she is pregnant but cant get the same as her sisters...? everywhere is different, why rely on council? go and rent elsewhere
Well that seems fair to me. Why would they offer a 2 bed flat/house to someone who is pregnant instead of someone who already has a child.
A baby is a big step. I was a step dad to a six year old and 13 year old for four years (including my last year at uni). Biggest commitment ever, you've got to put kids first all the time (even over uni dissertations as I found out), so unless you have shitloads of cash at your disposal you should plan majorly in advance IMO unless you want to be stressed to fuck.
Well I am living in accommodation, I was due to start work in and require me to live in student digs, but i cant accept the job no longer so im having to source some where else
Why should the public pay for you to have a baby? You already get 6 months maternity pay, surely thats enough of a reward?
Re: Re: The Council No i aint saying that im just saying it would be nice if no one was able to milk the system I dont plan on doing that - Im in a temp job so were not entitled to maternity pay No im not saying the public will pay for my child, i plan on working til 37 or 38 weeks take a month off then back to work!! save enough money to cover that month off
I bet your mother got it so why the fuck shouldnt she. When you have a child mate, that extra bit of benefit will mean the world to you. She's looking for help to find a place and your trying to educate her about having a baby. Its not her fault the government gives out money for nothing. If your going to complain about money getting handed out, you should complain about the amount of immigrants that come here, dont speak english, hand over a blue form and walk away with money in their hand.
Hence why I said about the 6 months maternity pay you plank. And my mum was working 2 jobs up until and after she had me aswell aswell as looking after a 6 and a 7 year old. J - Have you asked your agency if you can get maternity pay....some agencies do actually pay it if you have worked for them for a certain length of time.
Its a numbers game these days .... governments and councils have numbers, targets and quotas to meet or fill - As Spence said its a points system .... As for 'immigrants' - theres two ways you can look at this Legal immigrants - if you dont like the situation, then feel free to hassle the queen and the last 11 years of government who have led us further down the path to total EU control of our lives .... they are the people who decided to allow free movement of anyone throughout the EU. Illegal immigrants - Feel free to once again go knocking on the door of our governments who have decided to meddle enough in international affairs to the point where people up sticks and come to the UK in droves after we ensure their countries are in a mess for decades to come.... ... If i was in their position, i would come straight to the UK and put my name on a blue form as well to get MY handouts.
Im working for northumbria Uni at the moment, unsure what there policies are!! my boss has told me theres a job going at CCE less pay but itl be ideal if i can get it as its to cover maternity got to be worth applying
I know we don't do quotas & we don't have targets. There are boxes/questions that state a persons nationality , ethnic origin, sexuality but these are used for information only & have no bearing on the points a person/family will get.
So if thats the case ... then why would a single woman with a kid and no job be first in line and a single bloke with a steady job ..... not? (Im not saying thats a bad thing by any means) Surely there have to be 'criteria' behind decisions, or people would be accused of pulling their criteria for selection out of thin air.