The Day After Tomorrow

Discussion in 'Films & TV' started by Rory Space, Nov 30, 2008.

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  1. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    The Day After Tomorrow

    A thought id post this as my m8s mam came home after a night out saying she thinks were heading for another Ice Age lol, by the feels of it outside, a dont think shes bludy far wrong :lol:

    A loved this film when it came out, the bits where the choppers freeze over scotland the effects r mint!.

    [ame=""]YouTube- The Day After Tomorrow[/ame]
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    The wife came out of that film adamant that she was goin to write a letter to tony blair demanding that he did something to prevent this from happening with regards to global warming and emissions coz "it not a case of 'if' it happens, just a matter of 'when'!!" :lol:
    I think she was sincerely petrified of it happening. It WILL happen but there's fuck all we can do about it, its a natural occurrence of this planet!
  4. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    LOL tiz a pretty convincing film mind :p

    They say its 1 thing no1 on the earth fully understands, and knows so little about, they say it could happen any time and still dont know what caused the last 4 pfft!, fuck the debt im in lol.
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    there's a good chance of problems with the gulf stream but the instant freezing icey air shit is pure hollywood :lol:

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