The Democratic Convention I fucking hate american politics like. Obama in his convention just seems to be promising a new world, solving all wars and starvation, and a better america. FFS i wish they would start being realistic, rather than all this bullshit with a massive crowd going "you go girl" in the background. at the end of the day its all empty promises, although i rekon he'll be a dam sight better than bush. (FAO Metal Gear Fan's: listen to the Obama speech and then to the speech of the colonol at the end of the tanker level on Metal Gear 2, it really is that similar )
im rooting for obama on the sole basis that he's black, and therefore is more likely to not dive headfirst into warswith black people unlike a certain mad evangelical racist texan
I'm currently reading 'Dreams from my Father' and Obama comes across as a pretty intelligent guy; someone who is worthy of presidency. Better him than that old warmonger McCain...
in a nothing ventured, nothing gained kind of way its been years since a decent assassination, i wonder if he's taken note on this yet?
Why does the colour of his skin make him a good choice for president? Isnt that exactly the kind of thing Martin Luther King was trying to overcome? One nation etc He appears to be the best candidate and is finally adding some real policies to his showbiz patter.
Couldn't agree more. Someone saying they would vote for Obama because he is black is a completley stupid and ignorant thing to say...
personally, before i start, i couldn't care about race, its not a concern of mine at all. to think its all a bed of roses over there and that its all equal is just as ignorant, there still is a lot of issues and i think the added pressure of 'first black president' will do a lot of help, to the country and more importantly the way racism is dealt with. if he does become president, he doesn't strike me as the kind of person that wants to fuck anything up, and that will push him to make things much better than would normally be expected, regardless of colour, or color. his campaign so far has done nothing but impress me, i hope he gets in, if only for a change from the 'good old boy network' style of ruling for a few years
Listened to the whole speech today. It was really motivating i thought, but i couldnt help thinking beforehand after seeing it on the news how there is just way too much showmanship in what is supposed to be a serious democratic process. Fireworks? Confetti? Carefully planned and executed statements from Hilary and Bill .... i felt more like i was watching Lord of the Rings and having my emotions played with. Still, its nice to see him going on about things having to change.
yeah its a really shit reason to vote for a candidate, but it will happen! it will happen in masses in places like new orleans after the controversy during the hurricane/ floods not long ago, when the government were accused of "not caring about black americans"
i cant actually remember making this thread like i rekon that he's got some good idea's behind him, and i doubt mccain can dent his rep atm, however i still dont like the overblown way that they hold these conventions in. he just seemed to list the things that he's going to do, and he doesent seem like he's being realistic. however he seems like a much smarter bloke than bush, so hopefully he wont be as much of a puppet than bush was.