The new walkway in Ibiza.... What do you all think of it?? Its good as its pretty much a direct route from the bay, but i hate the way it runs through the sunset bars!! Its always so busy, you get drinks knocked out of your hands and told by staff to not stand here or there.....Grrrr!! It used to be a chiilout area, now its a big stress in my opinion anyway.
Its good because its a direct route and saves you walking over sandbanks to get to Kanya etc, but did you not find it so so busy?? New motorways are good too
Aye Mick, it was class.... thanks Got lots of sunset pics!! (typical that there wasnt one from our balcony the day you's came to watch it! lol) Space was the best day/night. Zabeila rocked Where you okay for Kiddstock??
not really worst flight home i've ever had!!!!!!!! i'd of loved to see zabeila outthere if we go back anytime soon it's defo that hotel. what a view you'll have to get ya photo's up when ya free.
i thought it was canny, you get to walk pst all the decent brs with good music, i just felt a bit cheap cos i always had a 6 pack of corona in my hand. did anyone see the god botherer? some english lass who dressed like a tramp and had a cain and a bible, spouting off her own sentenses and mixing them with shit from the bible. musta facied her chances then trying to convert 4000 pill heads
Only thing I think I will miss is ''Extreme One Bounce'' we use to play on the rocks/wasteland was funny (dangerous/couldnt give a fuck after 8 pack of bud) as fuck