The Pet Shop Boys Free Gig

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by JIMI, Mar 17, 2006.

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  1. JIMI

    JIMI Not an Administrator

    Mar 5, 2006
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    either on a messenger of death or a naval base
    The Pet Shop Boys Free Gig

    yes yes its true!

    the pet shop boys are doing a free gig in wallsend in one of the dry docks and swan hunters

    to get ya self sum tickets they were interveiwed the other day and said we didnt really chioose the baltic or the quayside becasue its very snobby and ponsy

    but wallsend is steaped with history and full off hard working people

    GET IN

    ill just add its also full off lil dirty charvers that will mug ya gran for her hanky

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