the spy who conned me Anyone see this last night? About a bloke who pretended he worked for mi5 and extorted loads a money off people and ,ade his girlfriends pass loaylty tests!!! There are some well weird people in this world, i tell ya....
Thing is the people didn't appear to be stupid. Must have been a really good conman. That bloke gave him £400,000
At the end of the day though we'd probably all fall for it. The conmen have been reported to be more than qualified for mi5 so there's really no difference in them or a real mi5 agent contacting you because you'd never know.. It's a good job i'm skint as fook and nobody will want to mess with me
i watched it...was great viewing & rather bemusing at just how many women were conned by him.. my guess, he was very convincing & has a massive schlong!
Yeah was well interesting.... What about the women who was under his spell for 7 years! "No, sorry pet, you have failed your mission again" He even conned a lawyer, so he must of had some good patter.
haha thick bitch had a mars bar to live on for a week and had to cut it up into tiny strips to ration it. I sat for an hour pissing myself laughing.