the streets if any 1 finds the albumn on vinyl can u let me know please! it was on juno.....but more...
yeah, theyve not got it. just weak bacome heros single, thats it! think ill get them to order it 4 me.
aaww jonny jonny jonny noooo what r u doin wanting to buy this shit 4 good lord its absooute n utter drivel it reeli is!! but i recall having this arguument about them with u before in the past so everyone totheir own i s'pose!! but good god its a mystery to the world how such rubbish could eva hav gotten into the charts it reeli is!! xxx
im not sure whats worse actually!! but at least will young and the likes is propa music n not just sum random talking crap over the top of a beat!! xxx
come on rachel, the streets are class. have you heard the new single yet. it's just so true to life. who cares if it hasn't got a brilliant melody., it's about the lyrics not the tune. are you going tonight. i am going now, wasn't going to but got my arm twisted. hope to see you there
I've got an album by them Live in Amsterdam. The guy shouts over the mic "Anyone got any Charlie" Only in Holland!! hehe