The Surgeon any1 heard of him??? me m8 has asked to go for a trip up to edinburugh coz hes warmin up for him jus want a bit of background coz i aint got a clue wot he's like:spangled: :spangled: cheers,,,
got it in 1 well its a mate of the kid whos warming up who asked us to go,,not sure of his name like but ive bin to foundation when hes bin on sure its scott nicholson or summin like that
Thats me!! Tony dragging you up? Aye its the British Murder Boys which is the Surgeon and Regis Live. Should be a good laugh. The last time i played up there was a quailty night. Get ya sel along! Fink ive got a link to a BMB or Surgeon set somewhere i'll hunt it out. Theres a few different rooms tho.
Re: The Surgeon i surgeon was on two month ago at hooked bar session at the other rooms, he likes to play live more or less all of the time. i personaly could'nt get away with his sound it was to broken for me not sure what type of techno it was?? but he his stil good in means of his skills very technical:groovy: im sure ther is a set somewhere in the music dj's forum by him along with an interview if i can find it il post the link for ya. hairy of this board could tell you what he plays
fucking hell aye bin playin footbal wit tony for ages he mentioned it when we were at DIG for lalwer, now ive had a look at the GK lineup i fancy this1 like small world eh :rofl:
the surgeon is class like proper nails got a few sets at home aint listened to them in a while cos there all packed up