Thieving Fuking Twats... deserve to have there fuking legs broken, fucking disgrace when some 1 is on ur property trying to break in with intention to steal from you like and you get done for doin sumthing if your lucky enough to catch them! 2night dad standing at backdoor sees 2 people trying to open the gate, polielty tells them 2 fuck off and keeps an eye out for a while, later on hears a loud bang. runs into garden with slippers on 2 blokes trying to get into shed full of motorbike equipment and 3 superbikes. front of shed is fucked, all hinges and padlocks lying on the floor they wouldnt have actuly got away with bikes cos of ground anchors, alarms, chains etc but they could of got away with load of other things.... gonna read this back in the morning nd gonna not make sense but as can understand ive more than pissed off.... any 1 else think they shud all be shot?
a good kicking isnt out of the question, if anyone broke into my house id do my best to give them a good hiding, people who steal from others are nearly the lowest of the low. good on ya's for sticking up for ya gear.
legally you're entitled to kick the absolute shite out of them unless they try to run away... ... so if it happens again get the boot in.
On the drive like normal people. If you're going to leave a bike in the shed then do whatever, but god no, not the "super bikes".
Aye fuckin trampy thieving slimey cunts! I have had numerous stuff nicked out of my back garden, including 3x 500+ quid bikes, about 10 footballs, a 150quid henry loyd jacket and 330 quid stone island jacket.
take them in the house, upstairs into a bedroom - gives you carte blanche to knock 10 shades of shite out of them in the name of self defence
fookin twats man, aint got room 2 keep em in the house, not a little weak shed like normal garden ones its a proper massive thing
Stash nuts in your shed, add radiators and a load of small holes lined with razors facing inwards. Sit back and watch future burglars get eaten to bits by angry squirels.
Put some micro machines on the floor or set up a fan that goes off when the doors open with feathers infront and then put some cling film with super glue on behind the door so it goes all over his face.
Buy some decent padlocks, get fittings where hinges are inside.. ... or Buy a really big round stone, and poise it ontop of a wire runway that will start the big ball rolling towards the bad guys if they get into your super-shed?