Thieving Little Bitch Just been to Shindig for Satoshi Tomiie. I was walking round, at about 12ish and some horrible little pikey bird tried to nick my wallet out of my back pocket. :evil: I am so fuckin mad. :evil: :evil: :evil: I was just walking past, and felt her hand go in my back pocket, and the wallet come out. I turned round quickly and she dropped the wallet back in and jumped away as quick as she could. But basically i caught her red handed. If it was a bloke id have just smashed him there and then (though i dont want barred from the club, so maybe i wouldnt have, i dunno?). Anyway i just grabbed her by the shoulder, turned her round and said "what the fuck you think your trying to do?". She says "what you on about?". I say "you just tried to nick me wallet you thieving little skank". She totally denies it and about 5 of her mates come surrounding me, actually giving ME shit for accusing her! Nowt else i could do, so i just walked off. Totally spoiled my night like, because i spent the next 2 hours checking my back pocket every single minute. Ended up leaving early. :spangled: Im totally fuckin pissed off that someone tried to do that. :evil: :evil: :evil: If i was wasted i probably wouldnt have noticed it happen, but i had the car out and i was totally stone cold sober and straight headed. Question for Mark or anyone else involved with the club. If i had reported her to the bouncers, would they have done anything? I mean i thought they would probs just say "my word against hers", and leave it. So i didnt. Should i have?
There's cameras dotted around Foundation, more than you think - if you can give the bouncers the time it happened you could possibly prove it too. If there was no cameras around, take her back to the same place and bitchslap her . But really, I suggest keeping everything you have on you in your front pockets - it's alot harder for people to steal from there.
vinny, buy a manbag and make sure from now on you keep your purse in there!!! Dont leave it lying around somewhere though!
Shocking to think the levels people will decend to these days... In a club no less, she was prolly out with her friends, all dressed up but would decend as low as to try and nick a wallet :| Id never put my wallet in my back pocket personally, bit of an invitation to get robbed.... front pocket next to right testicle is where it stays Nasty story though, fucking scabs eh.
HATE THIEVES!!!!! :evil: Nass is right tho Vin - if you know roughly WHEN and WHERE in the club it was - could well be worth enquiring about maybe havin CCTV cameras checked. HOWEVER - as she didnt actually get ya wallet - and its not being investigated by police etc..not sure if will be able to do so.. Worth asking the question tho. Cos basically I very much doubt foundationw ant thieves in the club (as with anywhere else) so they may well try and identify her and ban her.. Worth a phone-call at least to ask the question..
Urgh...what a skank. And then she tried 2 deny it! If she had open toe shoes on u should have stood on her toe really hard then denied it.... Until you see her again...plan ur attack
for sum1 who hates fightin.. personally im well up for hunting the pikey down next time and smacking the shit out of 'it'... think jimmy an any1 else whos had owt taxed from them at a club will agree too... scum :evil:
Yea Vin keep your money and belongongs in your front pockets or get a manbag like Kerry suggested, i always just keep my money in my front pockets cos i always seem to waer jeans and it saves having to carry a bag round.
thatys fucking disgraceful!!! i wud've smacked her & then dragged the scruffy little wench to the nearest doorman to explain why i'd just broke her nose!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: