Tiesto Look at this pic! What a buzz it must be..... IMO Tiesto is the best Dj/Producer at the min...
Must feel like God having that many people going absolutely mental just because your sticking a few records on!!
I bought Tiesto's dvd about 1 month ago, he says that it still feels like a hobby to him although he's playing to crowds like that quite often It would be very overwhelming!
amazing stuff!!! gonna purchase tiestos dvd wen ive got some spare cash and after ive bought pvd global dvd. cant wait to c that, anyone kno wat its like?? i still think pvd is better than tieso like. just a matter of opinion tho.
Hav'nt realy seen Pvd..... lookin forward to the N.E.C for that. Prefer Tiesto's Productions though, hands down :worship:
tiestos older productions were amazing and sound tremendous live, ie > urban train, his mix of flesh and re-form. etc.etc, i still think his new stuff is good but it s no where near the class he used to produce imo, loving pvds recent work, his basslines sound immense on a loud system. still rate tiesto very highly as a dj but i hope he goes back to producing tracks the way he used to, bring on nec!!!!
The Tiesto DVD aint that bad, its about 70 minutes long with about 60 minutes worth of extras, the extras are mostly shit tho Most of the dvd shows u him touring America so theres loads of yanks bigging him up which is a bit annoying. It has a mint soundtrack but dosen’t show him in the studio much, just touring really. I also think PVD is better than Tiesto m8.
i know... The board is huge too.... ppl speak in dutch sometimes too. Still good to find stuff out! Seen the Tracklist forum! mint!