Timberland boots & Withdrawing money abroad 1. Got a pair of the uber "i can walk over everst" tan boots and i was just wonderin if theres anythin i can use on them to protect them a bit better ???. Sort of scotch guard for shoes stylee. 2. On saturday i got some money out in amsterdam and it still hasnt came out me account, any ideas how long it will take. i done the same thing in greece and it was out in 2days??
I dont know the answers to either of them, but I got some amazing timberland boots for work! Comfiest things Ive ever had on me feet, despite the steel toes
I use the atm's here all the time in Norway.When i check my online statement it shows up on my balance immediately but there is no sign of the transaction taking place for up to 3 or 4 days
making a cashpoint withdrawal in another country is like us using our debit card to pay for stuff in this country, the foreign bank gives you it, but then has to go and claim it from your bank. This takes about 3-4 working days.
You also get a charge from the foreign bank, or at least the one I used in Amsterdam did. It was the one on the corner, just up from Madam Tussauds.