To The Thief @ HABIT Last Night & For Everyone Elses Attention

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by scott udberg, Nov 3, 2007.

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  1. scott udberg

    scott udberg Registered User

    Nov 21, 2005
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    To The Thief @ HABIT Last Night & For Everyone Elses Attention

    Last night at Habit an individual took it upon themselves to remove a bag belonging to me as well as Fairmonts jumper. Luckily 2 of my more important bags were left untouched. Some important items were almost placed into the bag that was taken but instead all you got away with was 2 bottles of ginger beer (a personal favourite), half a bottle of coke, 3 beers and my bag.... Oh and a producers jumper (hope it kept you warm on your way home).

    Someone saw you leave the club with it and I am quite fucking sure you arrived with people who know who you are. Unfortunately for you we do to (you were the gurning spastic in the corner with the white shirt on).

    After searching high and low inside the club there was no sign of it so myself and a friend left to try and locate you along with said property. Sadly the only trace of the items that remained was one bottle of discarded ginger beer. I am sure you will agree that the chances of a full bottle of ginger beer (DG jamican ginger beer to be precise) being discarded directly round the corner from the club are quite slim and coincidental.

    I can only guess that you arent partial to the beverage since it was more at home on the floor, or you only needed 1 (not 2) for your journey home cos that just might be a little bit greedy to have them both all to yourself.

    Just think what more can a man want but a warm walk to the taxi rank in a new jumper, half a bottle of coke, 1 bottle of jamicas finest export and 3 heineken..... Amazing.

    Just think you can use your newly aquired bag to transport various items belonging to yourself.... Or more likely anyone else that has fallen foul of your itchy fingers.

    So in conclusion I am offended that not only have you wasted a bottle of perfectly good ginger beer that I would have quite happily used at home with a little bit of rum and pissed off that I no longer have my bag. But more importantly that you would leave myself and Danny to apologise to one of our guests that an item of his clothing was taken from the venue and put a slight dampner on what had been an otherwise brilliant night. I am sure himself and James left on a high after their comments last night, but they probably also think we must be suffering a jumper shortage and live in a town of light fingered cunts.

    Shame you dont like Ginger Beer, I certainly do. So if you do pop by next month (which I advise you dont, beacuse I will recognise you) I'll be using said contained beverage as a bludgeoning instrument. Think of it as a sort of fizzy bat you bell end.

    Its backward cunts like you that deserve the old skool treatment. If I have the misfortune to cross your path in the future then be rest assured you will get to know my exact feelings on the matter.


    Thanks to everyone that came down and did make it a brilliant night (apart from this incident) it was definitely a good one! :)
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Stephen

    Stephen the reel master

    Aug 16, 2005
    Likes Received:
    the old fold
    Shit crack.

    Your way of explaining it raised a smile tho, liking "fizzy bat" very much :lol:
  4. gib

    gib cock-pushups?

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Hugging the Digital Subs
    Re: To The Thief @ HABIT Last Night & For Everyone Elses Attention


    Shit that though, could do without these sort of tossers in our clubs.

    If you see him next time announce it to the entire club and point him out. I suggest a Dolf Lungren style "If he dies..................he dies" line
  5. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
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    ..sliding off the world*
    Shite that like. Theiving seems to be growing in the north east clubbing community.
  6. Paul Tyson

    Paul Tyson Registered User

    May 19, 2006
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    What a wanker. Why would you even think of doing something like that on a night out :monkey:
  7. gareth


    Jan 14, 2005
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    some horribe little thieving cunt nicked my camera yesterday too.

    lowest of the low. Should hang the bastards. And even that would be too dignified for them......
  8. scott udberg

    scott udberg Registered User

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Dont worry lads if I see him at the club you will all know about it....

    He'll be the tramp on the floor with my foot repeatedly laced into his face, bottle of DG ginger beer hanging out of his back eye surrounded in a pool of fizzy blood.


    Those of you that know me are pretty aware that I am fairly laid back but once someone pulls a stunt then thats it I am afraid.

    I shouldnt really be that bothered, it wasnt my records or any equipment. It was a bag of pop.

    But I am a man of principle.

    PS: Sorry to hear about your camera Gareth. If we see someone posting any pics from friday looking self indulgent, surrounded by loads of leading beverages, taking pictures of themselves at an afterparty hiding in a bag then we have our man.

    In the words of Partridge: "Scum, sub-human scum"
  9. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    scott you do love your pop like !
  10. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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  11. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Mate i have had 2 hooded tops nicked at Backlash.

    There are definatly folk that go to clubs and just help them selves to anything they can find its pretty shocking because they must fuck off home early so no-one nabs them and kicks the shit out of them afterwards.

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