Today Mother of all days. Woke up at 8:40, due in at 8:45.. no prizes for guessing why.. then I entertained my boss by showing him exactly how many mistakes I can make in one morning. 'Go home Nass son, you're having a mare. ' anyone else wish they had never woken up?
I had a simular day on friday...I was nearing on suicidal by the time I got home from the pouring rain drenched with a broken ipod, a sore leg off walking for more than 5 mins, an overwhelming urge to go and mallot the said ipod in the shed and a form which I just took ALLLLL the way to the post office to realise I had forgotten the fucking card details or whatever!
yeah I've had a fucking bitch of a day too, dunno why (well a bit I do but I'm not saying on here) but it's been a complete cunt :evil: Think most ppl at work were the same :spangled: I'm off for a run
Theres nothing worse than a broken ipod that wont work. Mine broke a few weeks ago and now I have to listen to charvers MCing with some "well waxxa" tune down their 2G mobile phones when I get on a bus/metro. Just sold it on ebay for £40 i feel disgusted
Well mine is SO annoying...firstly it was pausing when i had it on hold...I had to get it out my jean pocket in the freezing rain with my fingers the colour of a seals silky coat... take it off hold then press play hold it again then go through the same procedure 10 seconds later. THEN one headphone went fuzzy and kept not playing then when it started working the headphones were blowing out my ears in the wind :evil: :evil: :evil: :angry:
Mine kept freezing! Now it just goes to the apple logo and resets Ahhh the headphones for the ipod are pants! Ive had 3 pairs go fuzzy then I bought some really expensive ones and the ipod broke all together a week later I miss the good old times with my ipod
Managed to get 3 hours sleep if that, in between listening to my housemate 'catching up' with his girlfriend who was over from LA .............. now im all for that, but not when i have work in 5 hours Managed to make it to the gym before work, but decided against footie tonight because i was utterly exhausted, and drove straight home - a minor miracle that i managed the M5, M25 and A3 in under an hour Driving home listening to the essential mix in the daylight was good Thank god its still light at 7pm now - Things can only get better!
i had a mint day today, even though i was at work, the reason being i found out i had a little fan club at work, few of the ladies think i'm really nice