Tomorrow? Whats everyone up too tomorrow?? i'm off to town, first to clear then to WHQ to see my mate play! propper looking forward to it... even bought new jeans and t-shirt!
Re: Tomorrow? Goin to me local during the day to watch the match and have a few drinks.. Then up to town goin round a few bars.. then to promise.. then to a & e.. Good day planned
no its at a club called angels in macclesfields, I'm not in newcastle at the minute do you people not read any of the threads.
Not all of them, sorry Mr Moody I just walked past Ikon today and there's a foam party there tomorrow
thats would be class, as long as it wasn't my house, and it was an ann summers party, but somehow I still managed to gwet an invite.
i was only joking babes jealous aren't you? i'll be neck deep in foam tomorrow night raving my ass off.
Re: Tomorrow? jesus christ you know youve made it when your mate gets himself a new outfit for one of your gigs