im going to the metro centre to get some straightners and then i am going home to try and milk my dog
id get ghd's i used them when my hair was long but now its short as fuck and lil petes from big brother
i have relativley short hair, they just help me spike it properley. i used my brothers the other day and they were good. ghd's i think. how much do they cost? the thin ones
depends where your shopping i know my best mate ross has a pair of blokes ghds they cost him £95.00 brought direct from the hair cuttery in newcastle
£70 plus i never really got the hang ov them 2 be honest me hair looked shite anwyay so im keeping it short from now on
Except the blokes ones are smaller meaning its less likely they will burn themselves i need a pair of GHD's im sick of washing my hair and it going curly :evil:
College straight from work.. The off to an art exhibition.. Then off for a run.. Then home and into the arms of the loving Football Manager..
wor lasshas the really really thin ones!!!!!!! so she cud do her fringe when she had one and side bits of her hair which r short! there is no girls and boys there just uni sex more aimed at girls but not so much now