It's your RAM purplex underslot You'll have to reset the buffer underuns to 10 It can be found in dos.exe
Hahahaha. Rachel - I'll send you a guide on torrents I did for a mate once tomorrow. Rossy knows his stuff tho.
LMFAO ! n00b you aint gonna get neewher without settnig your terraflop ratio to 1.21 gigawatts and setting your default gateway to 125.555.555.1 women these days, washing machines the heigh of their technical expetise
bless ya, get a program called utorrent install it then go to either enter what your after into the little search box and robs your fathas brother if you get stuck either pm me or post here
i've done all that. is that all i need to do though?? it said something about entering download speeds? does it take quite some time to download?? ruffly?
what speed internet do you have? when youve installed it, itle give you some default sppesd and figures which should be ok. you'll probs find that some stuff takes a cuple of hours and some other stuff will take donkeys Look for high seeds and low leechers when possible (S) and (L) Limit you upload to 12 The less sweep nodes the better on these things
watch out for passworded stuff aswell, half the time you have to sign upto their site to get the password for the stuff youve jsut downloaded.
Stepping away from the RPU's for a second here, on ADSL (not cable) if your upload is running at 30/k a second and that's the limit, then your download speed will be impaired. My torrents now regularly get high download speeds if I limit my upload in bit tornado. On direct connect I can only download at a maximum of 6k when this happens, although bit torrent seems to handle it better.
i agree to much upload bandwidth can impair yor download speed but ive fond when i limit my uplaod to 15 or less then it sucks the juice out of my downloads