Gonna be there. Unless the date changes again. Then I'm fucked cos me flights are for the Friday (10/02/2006).
yeah ours r too, wot time u flying? aaron when u gettin yours coz we gonna try sort hotels and stuff this wkend so we dont end up payin a fortune?
ah we r goin fri morning bout half 10 so got loads of time to wonder bout on fri to get as smashed on mushrooms as possible :groovy:
Quality. Tis the season at the mo for them too over here. Not long until the frost sets in though, then it will be no more until Feb. Just not at Trance Energy itself though. Want to keep myself for that!
it looks cool, dont think i would make an effort for a trance line-up tho nowadays, would have to be something special
Think i may be able to get mine at the end of the month im not sure....Find out how much the hotel and that is and let me know, If your booking that soon ill just book that with you's then get my flights next month if i cant afford them this month.
Swimwear, can't wait.... planes will be booked next week. This is going to be a fun filled lonnng weekend, Hurry up with the line up