Trance Used In Film Soundtracks?? Was just thinking to myself today, has much trance music been used as soundtracks to many films, etc?? I know that Adagio For Strings was used in Kevin + Perry!!! But what else?? I can't be arsed to think, but I'm sure you lovely people will have a nice little chat about this!!
adagio for strings in platoon - not the trance mix i know but it sounded amazing! im sure ive watched a film with tiesto - battleship grey on it too but cant remember its name!
right i may have this comletley wrong.....but was tears from the moon on tomb raider.....or am a complete idiot who needs to crawl back into my hole and die for thinking that?
I don't care if your right or wrong about it tbf, but you still need to crawl back into your hole and die!!
I'm not liking the sound of this Aaron!! I think you might of got the wrong end of the stick!! Rachelll................
i was actually gonna give u a kick in the nuts for saying i shud die so yeah she might not like the sound of it.....
Lol, or she might take it as a blessing in disguise!! Right, now fuck off, and stop hi-jacking my thread ya bastard!!
The football shows always use trance too, yesterday before the Millwall match there was a big floor filler - cant fukin remember what it was tho which is very helpful