tri-pod? has anyone got a tri-pod, need one for a bit of filming tonite and 2mrw... anyone got one?? ta.
My mate has a cat with 3 legs which is sometimes called tripod, its a vicious little bastard though... Dont suppose this really helps though, i dont have one.
thanx for the 'help' any ideas if u can get them from the library/etc??... i dont know if uni is open..
Ah good cos didnt think u'd fancy trekkin down to "sunny" glossop to get it!!! and i sure aint comin up there (even tho it prob b so much more fun than wot im doin now!!!" Anyone know anythin bout Leadership and motivation and theories???
glossop??? wtf??.. who called it that?? err... nah dontknow much about leadership and motivation... can scribble? ru going to stus party thing @ end of may?
lol im such a gimp...... u read the title of this trhead ns was like eh?...ehy the fuck do u wanta tripod...i thought ya ment one a those tripods ya put bunsen burners on at skool!!! xx
Sunny Glossop! THE place to be!!! Yeah rite! Little shitty dot on the map that doesnt deserve to be placed smack bang in-between Sheffield and Manchester! If I said Royston Vasey, bet uve heard of that!!! Well that (League of Gentlemen) was filmed around here in Hadfield (part of Glossop). K, heres run-down of Glossop...League of Gentlemen...hills, Last of the Summer Wine(filmed jus over hill)...hills and countryside. ITS SHITE! Then u wonder why i appreciate darlo in its 'glory' Anyway im ranting. Yeah im comin up for stu's party thing. Think im havin one as well but dunno wen and wot. Mum's bit gutted im in america for 20th and 21st so she wants a party b4 i go.
royston vassey parents n partys just dont mix... i was pulled off the dex last time... 'drunk and disorderly' my ass.
Jus no need is there! Wot do they expect u to be like? Isn't it meant to be a carryon from ur 21st party as well or summat? and for gumps 18th??? 3-in-1 BARGAIN!!!
no i mean im away for my 20th and 21st birthdays. not til june my bday. is the 21st ur bday? this month?