TriHard/Disko Bitch - May Mix to Download Heres our May Mix to Download if you fancy it. We are changing our name to Disko Bitch we think, cos tri-hard is pretty shit... Its electro, theres some chilled out stuff at the start, then it builds to some harder edged stuff towards the end... May Disko Bitch Mix Tracklist... Erland eye - The Black Keys Work (Phonique Dub Mix) Captain Comatose - Price gun Baby (Playgroup mix) Chelonis R. Jones - The Rush (Sex with Machines) Klaus Wunderbaum - Trix Tiga - Pleasure from the Bass Goldfrap - Strict machine (Ewan's Stripped Machine Mix) The Backlash - Sexanddrugsandrockandroll Felix - Rocket ride The Pet Shop Boys - Flamboyant (DJ Hell mix) The Hacker - Moscow Ries (Blackbtrobe mix) Human League - All i Ever Wanted (Alter Ego Mix) Peaches - Shake Yer Dix (Tiga's Where were you in '92 Remix) Alter Ego - Rocker Scratch Massive - Make it High (Sex Schon Remix) Dave Clarke - What was her name? (Blackstrobe mix) T. Raumschmiere - Querstromzerspaner (LFO Mix)
Tiga - Pleasure from the Bass Goldfrap - Strict machine (Ewan's Stripped Machine Mix) The Backlash - Sexanddrugsandrockandroll Peaches - Shake Yer Dix (Tiga's Where were you in '92 Remix) Dave Clarke - What was her name? (Blackstrobe mix) All huge tunes, all on the CD I've just done! Great minds think alike!
Re: Re: TriHard/Disko Bitch - May Mix to Download its pretty mad when it kicks in! i turned the deck off after as bit, it all got a bit industrial.
The May mix is spot on Just downloading the April one now. Where do u buy ur vinyl from? I can never find anything i want in town.