Trisha... oh my god! some woman in the audience of trisha has jus got up an said "my daughter feels the same way, she thinks she is fat and ugly so we are trying to get her into topless modelling" what?! when asked why she said "well shes got the goods for it" an i thought my parents were pushy an a lil bit fucked in the head! pushing your daughter into topless modelling is jus wrong, esp if they have some sort of body dismorphia issue! the poor girl jus sat there an looked a bit embarrassed
i know... we're trying to rid the board of shite i come out with that one.... i think it's shocking, it won't improve her self confidence, just give her a slanted view on society. as well as every bloke in the world going "go on, get them out then, u do it all the time in the papers" if anything she'll feel more like an sex object than it increasing her self-worth. mmm boobies.
Its another symptom of social breakdown in the west - these days people need to do something like that to feel valued among their peers or the other contexts of their lives. Its just like wanting to win the lottery, those studio pictures that you see people pimping in malls, or pop idol... nobody wants to make the effort for anything these days - its all about instant gratification and an easy way out of problems.
tis almost as scary as the 14 yo girls wanting IVF treatment as they feel being a mother is all they can hope to achieve in life, an cos they want something to love an that will love them... shocking really
I only have a single TV channel at home (long story) which is unfortunately ITV which means all i get is GMTV in the morning when i get up at 6... Some of the "human aspect" stories they cover make you wonder where this country is headed.... :spangled:
Re: Re: Re: Trisha... Because i'm a lesbien, ta da. the words ' fell, trap, my,into, you ' didnt really ask to go on Trisha ffs, Bogle Bogle.
Benny man, people will think your trying to get me chucked off the board. Have you got those wanker lights on your car,