Tune ID - Paul Oakenfold Paul Monkeyfold plays a tune in his Essential Mix from Amnesia this year about 46 mins, does anyone know the name of it ?? On the tracklistings its down as an ID but i thought maybe now someone might now what it is ?? Its trancey as and just builds and builds and builds and is also before that fucking U2 Remake Cheers folk
I havent got the Essential mix on my computer, but im pretty sure its.....Ferry Corsten - Sweet Sorrow
I wasnt sure but thought it was.......youve confirmed my suspicions i only remember cos its the track after oakies 2004 remake of Lizard
Paul Oakenfold Sarah McGlachlan - Unknown (White) Alberto Rivas - Como Tu [Paul Oakenfold Remix] (Trident) North Stone - Unknown (White) Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun [Gabriel & Dresden Remix] (Perfecto) Wave - Unknown (Perfecto) Mauro Picotto - Lizard [Oakenfold 2004 Remix] (Virgin) Ferry Corsten - Sweet Sorrow (Tsunami) U2 - Beautiful Day [Oakenfold Mix] (Universal/Island) Igor S - Boomerang (ID&T) Derb A Hack - ICTUS (White) Tina Hie - Traffic (White) Unknown - Unknown (White) Smith & Pledger - Believe (Anjunabeats)
When i originally looked at the T/L it wasnt there as a tune and was an ID ! Its since been changed and i have the tune now