Two years of Oakenfold at Cream CD Yes i know its being out a while but what a top quality cd. first cd is my favourite. What does oakenfold play like now? have not heard much about him 4 a while.
Re: Two years of Oakenfold at Cream CD Tis a top cd like! Lost the first cd though, only have second one now! Remember Sin City - three n one on disc one though! Lovely!
oakey still plays alot of them tunes now, thesedays he plays break and proggy trance with a lot of classics. ive been a fan of oakey since 1996 when he started playing the back room of cream, IMO thats when he was best. the residents cds were recorded live in the courtyard, i was there for the 2nd night. it was quality, wide open space and eisbaer!!!
Eisbeir is one of my favorite tracks. He plays cheesy trance & break beat these days. Last year at Creams birthday he played old style and played almost of the tunes on this cd. What a night.
aye this albums an absolute corker god i love oakey soooo soooo badly where has he gone no doubt he'll be in america or producing more stuff but i miss him loads n loads n loads!!! despite what i say about jules no dj in the whole world comes closer to bin god than oakey they reeli reeli sad and pathetic as it may sound he's the one and only dj that has made me cry cos he's bin so fucking good!! aaawww am gonna get maself on his website now n try n find out his forthcoming dates!! xxxx
The shack have him this year but i dont know when. They've also got deep dish and diggers to name but a few. They having 1 superstar dj per month for the 10 year b'day
there march lineup is well impressive.. harry choo choo tidy boys lisa lashes.. theres at least 2 trips there for me