That came out last week Click below for Tynesider goodies! There's a couple of real treats on at present
Has anyone got one of those UCI yearly memberships where u can go as much as u like? Whats the low down on them? any catchs? I tried to ring the helpline but got a fucking indian call center. <dial tone>
Aye, the call center is shite I've got one for the UCI in Boldon. It's a good deal - you get charged £9.99 permonth. Considering that it's about £5.50 per viewing normally your laughing! No catches that I know of, best bet is to go to the cinema and apply.
my friend has one. You can go as uch as you like. She sometimes spends a whole day at the cinema! She goes into one film ,and if she doesnt like it, just walks around finding a film she likes...
You should see films like zatoichi and dawn of the dead at UGC, never understand seeing big films at Tynside - the sound and visiuals are massively inferior...
Zatoichi doesnt exactly require amazing sound or effects. The audio soulds like it was made on a Comadore 64, and so do the special effects!
come again?!?!?! Where did you read this? Keiichi Suzuki composed the music score and unless I'm massively mistaken it wasn't done on a commodore 64?!?!?!? You sure someone never pulled an april fools on you Zatoichi was like watching a modern dance video at times! Amazing cinematogaphy coupled with a draw dropping sound track... Like when the diggers were digging the field.... This was deffinatly suited to a well tweeked system and not the tyneside
i didnt read it anywhere, i saw the film last night. The sound track wasnt amazing at all. Ok, there were some clever bits in it (when the action on screen synced with the music), but the production wasnt jaw dropping IMO. not by a long shot. The cinematography was that good either, not compared with some films ive seen recently (The passion of the Christ, Spun). The effects were poor too, especially the swords when they went through people Im not saying it was a rubbish film tho. I really enjoyed it.
Its just a different style to big buck hollywood films, this was an incerdibly expensive and well shot production. As for the effects, in a similar stlye to kill bill (tarrentino probably took a lot from kitano) the violence was often cartoonised with silly CGI effects, this was to stop from the film turning into a blood lust gorefest (unlike some of his other films) - at least I thought... not because it was a cheap production! The way the dance scenes were choreographed was awesome and how it flipped into more unrhythmed realistic fight scenes... The soundtrack was very minamilist and was a great combnation of modern western music and traditional far eatsern msuic... The cinematography was some of the best I've seen, this style of film since films liek lady snowblood... Inscredbly beautiful and poetic shots. This was shot in a very poetic and calming style - unlike multi-million dollar high paced hollywood CGI enhanced films.