UFO`s Do you believe in them? I`ve always been quite open minded about them, but have just seen this video which is quite convincing UFO Video
UFO's as in secret government projects or UFO's as in alien crafts? I believe in both actually. Its pretty niave to think that we're the only living beings in the universe. I do feel that the majority of UFO sightings are just craft that have been made on earth tho.
If you read the links etc., it does actually say that the video is a hoax. However I do believe in UFO's!
Chris Stein a founding member of "Blondie" and husband of Barbara Sicuranza has confirmed with 24 7 News that the SciFi Video is a FAKE, it was shot as a commercial and his wife "Acted" in it!
I spent about 20 mins reading all the articles and right at the bottom it had that little bit about it being a fake!! Gutted!!
Normally when i come out of a club/after party i tend to see all sorts - didnt really cross me mind tho and i just got on with whatever i was doing