UK shock at the fact pigs kick ppl in the head! Police brutality and fascisms is commonplace in Britain, a fact show very well in that footage by the way the pigs colleagues don't bat a eye lid as he kicks the helpless blackman repeatedly in the head! Anyone who's worked in a city centre will more than likely have seen this going on to a lesser level, I know I did many times... At the end of the day they have a fucking shit job and most of them where bullied at school... Should we just accept they need to be "heavy handed" at times?
The point of the police is to uphold the law not to break it by beating some one and using more than the required force ... yes people should fear the police but not in terms of thinking if they commit any offence theyl get beat to a pulp they shopuld fear being caught and going to prison.... pigs take things to far sometimes it happens everywhere some times it has been proven to be because of racial hatred sometimes personal propblems others its just abuse of power knowing that they can get away with it ... fact is there are probably as many law breakers inside the force as there is outsied of it .....
I would say it was fair enough to assume (i hope) that the only people police "pick on" are people who are in some shape or form asking for it - be it drunken louts, or charves .... or, failing that - being in an environment where police tend to go (last week outside a club there were loads of them). I dont like the establishment at the best of times, but most time people have it coming to them?
A lot of the time when you hear these shock reports you only get given half the story tho. You rarely find out what really happened
i dont think they should. but if there's no fear of the law/the police then what is their to stop people perpetrating?
i wasnt shocked, ive seen it happen before, sumtimes i think a lot of the people from down south brought up, wrapped in cotton wool
It should not be fear that stops people, it should be respect. But shit way the police is run now, there is no respect for them at all.
if they ever get convicted and sent to prison? and when they get there, they can sometimes expect to serve only half of their sentence.. some deterrant that is.