i had an awesome time at uni met a girl that i had a wicked relationship with for 3 years met some cool people loved being away from home for 4 years in fact i loved uni in newcastle so much i now live and work up here
All positive then. I cant wait to start im very nervous about the whole experience I know once im there itl be wicked, + being the 1st in my family to go is something to be proud of
depends what u wanna do, if u wanna work in macdonalds it aint really essential if u wanna be a nuclear physicist then u may find it handy
Uni Is amazing. Before i started i was nervous about the whole moving away and meeting and living with a whole different bunch of people. Im in my first year at Leeds and am loving it. First Year = Huge Piss up all of the time (or as long as the loan lasts) Second Year = Not so much a piss up but still indulding in midweek shananigans Third and Fourth Years = Oh sh*t time to do some work Honestly Uni IS all that people tell you its going to be never had such a laugh in me life!
Want to be a quantity surveyor I wouldn’t work in mcdonalds EVER also want to do music engineering eyeball hopefully Manchester if not northumbria
i went to northumbria and had no complaints plus manchester is a pretty cool place, either way you will have fun
Ive been down to check the area out Manchester has everything i need but i also need to learn how to drive so that may keep me in newcastle as i know the roads much better
met the bestest people ever through moving up here to go to uni however none of them bar one actually went to my uni lol!! out of 70 ppl on my course only still speak to 2 of them but at the end of the day u go to uni to train for something u wanna be and to get a job at the end of it so im my experience it was def worth going to. too many people view uni as an opportunity to fuck around and end up with shit grades so they cant do what they wanted to do in the first place tho....
do u want to specify music (i.e do you want to engineer in a studio or a live engineer) u dont really need a qualification to engineer for producers, u just have to know the kit and be good...which helps by going on a course mancat and city college hav good courses in manc but r quite pricey
Not a particularly sound way to choose a university! I would recommend going away to uni every time, I think you get so much more out of it.
Ive had my time pissing about etc, im 21 now and only now have i decided to go, Not sure how a mature student would fit in though
there is no point whatsoever in going to uni in your home town, your driving lessons are hardly an excuse, thats what summer holidays are for! uni is all about the experience of going away and fending for yourself, you'll meet some brilliant people, do things you would never have done at home and meeting new people.. I'm sick of being a student now, I'll have been at uni for six years when I graduate ...but would recommend it to anyone.. just make sure you do a course thats going to get you a job or onto a decent masters... Machester is the only other city in the UK i'd live in other than London.. Good Luck!
first 2 or 3 years are fine, last year is shit and stressful im soooo glad i didnt move away i love living at home and being with all my lovely freinds, having a car, which i wouldnt of got if i had and not being in loads of debt
i def wouldnt live with my family this would be my time for independence but lowering your debts is a good idea