Uproar - The Roof Is On Fire

Discussion in 'Music' started by Allie, May 1, 2003.

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  1. Allie

    Allie Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Leeds & Newcastle
    Uproar - The Roof Is On Fire

    Oh Christ, how fucking terrible is this?!

    Someone at college was goin on bout this tune all day Monday (Purvy, it was Frenchie!). He did say it was on Clubland Extreme like, which is when I realised it would be shite, but I downloaded it anyway.
    This is absolutely disgraceful. How anybody can call this music is beyond me.

    This, next to the Public Domain remix of Nelly & Kelly - Dilemma (I know a certain promoter that atually bought this!), and some terrible tune called 'Fill My Belly' that some charver had in the workshop @ College, is probably the worst tune I've ever heard.

    What's even worse is the fact that it'll probably get released and go gold or soemthing :cry:
  2. 1615634792921.png

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