urban dictionary highly entertaining.. lets you record your definition of words.. my fave so far: minge http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=minge&f=1
"minge **** or Mott Fuck me lads, she had a minge like the Jackson Five in a rugby scrum." haven't heard 'mott' for a while!
charva 29 votes A charva is a person of limited intelligence that are found in all parts of britain, not just newcastle. They wear tracksuits mainly but have latley invested in some "Proper belter" designer sportswear. They get drunk easily but brag about the amount that they do drink. Theyre all on drugs and most of them have kids by the time they're fifteen. They are mainly located on street corners or attempting to steal your car (I'd go check about now)they talk way too loudly and swear loads just to make themselves seem big to their so called "friends" Theire friends being people they fight with the most. They hate anyone who isn't a charva because they're afraid of change and are extremely paranoid. Being charva isn't somehitng that happens, it's a way of life. So go get your dole money pet and stop swearin at my gran "Fookin 'ell a ye fookin daft, gan get a wesh ye manky goffick ya ......waaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"