>>urgent My mate (honestly), was caught off guard today at his new job by a girl who asked him if he'd like to go for a drink. He said yeah, but after realising how much he didn't actually like her that much, or find her attractive, he's decided he needs to make an excuse to bail out of it. He rang me and I could only think of 'money's tight', which is quite obvious since he would have said it first thing anyway. I know plenty of you good looking people will have been in this situation before. Any ideas? You have 15 mins.. go!
Tell her he has just come out of a serious relationship, and atm can't bare to go out with anyone else, even just for a drink. She will completely understand, plus if he ever fancies getting his end away with her in the future, he will still be in with a good shout! da, da!
The match is on and he can't miss that. No really, I'm crap at these things, I just switch my phone off and say I forgot.
he cus still go but take along sum otha m8s. then it wnt seem like a "date" type thing. then he wnt hav 2 explain himself 2 her or anyhtin like that. if she says owt. he cud jus say he thort it was a drink between m8s.
I reckon just go "as mates". If she gets the wrong end of the stick, just tell her. Unless when you say he doesnt like her, you mean he doesnt like her at all, and wouldnt even wanna go for a drink with her for any reason.
he's conned me into coming with him for protection feel free to ring me in about an hour to see what the crack is