USB Flash Drive Snapped

Discussion in 'Technology' started by loopyloosy, Mar 6, 2007.

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  1. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    USB Flash Drive Snapped

    I would say broken, but to get a better idea of what has happened I am saying it has snapped. The metal USB looking thing is not part of the thingy doo dar anymore.

    now, as im so stupid I have not backed up the work i did and saved to it right now. Its basically because I dont have word on my computer, and it would mean opening northumbria uni desktop anywhere getting into word, copying, pasting and saving it.

    Now, im assuming that it is not actually as bad as I think as I should be able to get the data from it.

    Im really not as clever as this however.

    Does anyone know where I could get this done, or can anyone here do this for me?

    Im Gutted. WHY do things like this always happen when i have uni work to do? probably as im on the computer eh?


    please come to my rescue geeks.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    if the end has snapped - it's scuppered.

    But that link reckons it can be done, however, it's pretty untested and depends on the break.

    i could have a go but no promises :up:
  4. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    woah, i fixed it!

    Well, long enough to get the data from it :) MINT.

    I just held it together till its little light came on. Unfortunatley, the little light is no more.

    RIP USB,

    Attached Files:

  5. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Well done...

    Nearly had to sort out a Solder Iron for ya there eh ;)
  6. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    you know what I feel like a right geek like.

    Im really glad that with a little help from you guys I can sort things out. I have the confidence to just fuck about with things now, as if they are broken, there is no harm is there!

    CHEERS GEEKS :love:

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