me and natalie are going on a date im gonna ask sarah if she wants to come aswell 3 some stu is away with uni for a week - livid. but tbh i think valentines is a complete con some people just got OTT,such a waste of £ i reckon. you can celebrate your love with that special someone anytime of the year if you ask me
Its fast becoming just another day to me. Nothing more special that day to any other, just means you have to fork out for another pressie!
exactly and thats one thing i cant afford at the min :cry2: i'll just have to give stu a piece of me after valentines when he's back :tounge:
you were my advisor nearly shit myself when he didnt get them on time ive done some more since then much better
valentines day is the day that single people get to sit at home, smug in the knowledge that they dont have to fork out tens/hundreds of quid just to live up to a festival that big businesses and restaurants rely on to make them alot of money. Its also a wonderful day for anyone in a relationship, since you get to reaffirm to each other your undying love and dedication to that special person in your life. See - everyones a winner!
They need to learn that they dont need to be loved by anyone just so they can feel validated in this world ? .... or they can buy a box of chocolates and a bottle of vodka to achieve similar results
Thanks to mr bean, my doormat looks like a small rainforest was just chopped down to provide all those cards addressed to me in my own handwriting on the 14th