VHS Video tapes...... whats everyone done with their old VHS collection? I havent got many but decided to chuck what I did have out unless it was a classic or a rare music one etc...... They are worthless now any fetch like pennies on ebay... what have u lot done with yours?
ebay is crap, everyone does that so most vids go unsold unless they are rare. ive got shitloads and advertised them in ad-mag but got no response... think i'll either car boot them or possibly cash converters if i get desperate, they only buy them for about 25p.
Most of mine are boxed in the garage... i'll keep them, like i've kept a load of my Spectrum games - "they cost loads at the time" and i can't bring myself to sell them at such a loss I've got LOADS of music ones too, bought ones aswell as stuff i've recorded off the telly - i've got Altern-8 doing "Evapour-8" on normski's house party from about '92!!!!!!!! aswell as tons of metal videos......
mine are in the loft and every time i go up there i need to turn the light on and i trip over the fuckers! death to videos!!!!!:evil:
in a box, on the floor. They arent mine though, im soooooooo young i have only DVD's, they're Ness's - its because he is soooooooo old - i dont have the heart to chuck them and say i dont know where they are. however he does have england v germany 66.