wages weekly or monthly... i may be getting paid monthly insted of weekly soon... if it happens im dreading it!!! is there anyone who can make there monthly wages last till there next one???
Re: wages me and im the worst spender ever lol just cant keep my cash dont worry hun it will be fine i thought monthly would be crap too but its better u end p with havin more in the bank like not spending as much cause u know u gotta mke it last
cash in hand is a really bad idea for when i got my wages, i just spend it straight away!! but at the mo i aint at uni or have a job, im just lazzzzy
Re: Re: wages hope i can do it i can see me blowing the lot and having to live on Pek ham sanwiches for the rest of the month
Re: wages how do u think im skint all the time bud. its a total nightmare. never have i been able to make my money last. apart from july, and i spent all that cash in 5 days in the dam!
Re: Re: wages im gonna have to stop partying with you then nah man... if this happens im gonna have to use my loaf of bread
Re: Re: Re: wages or get another job which pays weekly. im on the prowl at the min, just cant find what im after
Re: Re: wages yeah mate thats what it is, same day of each month, unsure of the date but it's the same date of each month, is that better?
I get paid monthly mate, Its Itll be weird for you cos you'll have a huge balance compared to normal Just give urself limits each week til you get used to it. I think its much better for paying ur bills, getting paid monthly.
im on weekley at the min, but im goin on2 monthly soon. was supposed 2 of about 2 mnths ago, but they havnt sorted it out yet......................... anyway back to the point. im dredin gettin paid monthly, coz i spend my wages as soon as i get them. mainly because i know ill only have to w8 a week 4 sum more. i think ill find it hard to get out of the habit tho.
cos i got 2 jobs its monthly and fortnightly for me.. would rather be paid fortnightly full stop... weekend millionaire =
Ive been gettin paid monthly for all but 2 months in 10 years !!! I prefer gettin paid monthly like , u just gotta make sure u prioritise it , like put aside all ur bills money etc n work out wot ur gonna allow yourself to spend per week so u dont blow it straight away !! ..fidds...
I have a mate who gets his wages paid into one account then get a small ammount transfered to another one weekly so he doesn't spend it all at once good idea really
Ive been tempted to do that as savings , just because i couldnt bring myself to pay savings into a savings account myself but if a standing order done it for me i wudnt feel so bad lol ...fidds...
Just dont do what I do and put off checking your balence cos you know it's going to be bad, then end up ever further into your overdraft