wankers rant without fail, every saturday at the park lane taxi queue, theres always atleast one cunt who thinks hes rambo and starts fights with evryone in the queue for no reason. this time he had a sidekick, his bird, a right gobby little slag why do people go on like this, fucking hate charvers the wankerish little fuckers :evil: i wasnt caught up in it but its always some poor bastard out with his lass for a good time who gets the grief :evil: fuckin sunderland, same shit different day /rant
get out of the dive m8 - you hav been told enuf times! me and my friend ash are a bit fucked and are goin to try and smoke all the weed so that my friend ash doent smoke it through the week
i aint seen these either trying to get a taxi in town is hit on a weekend best place no agro is world headquarters
and that will be why i've never seen them, because the bigg market is full on total spac ends, that quite honestly i look down on with great pride.
Wot we don’t have marshalled taxi ranks like some city have started to use, the most you get is the odd copper standing at the front of the cue to show a presence to make sure nothing starts
Charvers should be rounded up hearded to the edge of a massive cliff and then pushed off with there arms and legs tied behind there backs . Problem is theres always going to be some bloke who thinks hes rambo charv or not ... Its the yobbish nature of people who think that its just thing to do ... Go out get drunk find scabby motted mate and have a fight with someone whose smaller than me ... thats just how certain people think always have always will . Weather there charvs or not !
these ones were defs charvers, they even had that "eeeerrr hew, tell ya fucken lass ta shutup or al fucken stab her hew" accent
you couldnt choose a worse taxi rank though to be fair.Theres alot less bother at the other ones.Best one is near burger king cos hardly anyone drinks down that end of town but theres usually plenty taxis there