Wasps The time approches that these horrible little creatures attack us for no reason My dads been cutting the grass this morning with it being lovely and warm and so the door was open, i walked downstairs and was confronted with a big fuck off wasp its dead now but its only March still what they doing about now? All wasps should be killed they have no use in life at all expect causing us harm :evil: why cant they be like bee's and make us honey
haha yeah, my dad and mam went shopping a few years back, my mam was around the veg section in asda when a wasp went up her dress, it stung her 5 times, customers ran over to help get it out and had her skirt over her head at one point aparnelty, my dad came round the corner seen what was happening and just went to the car
when i was working on the roofing i saw wasps all year round, my boss got stung last january you often find wasps lying dormant under the bottom course of slates/tiles for some reason
Devastated haha, They annoy me so much, they just try sting you for fuck all, i got this bastard tho with a few blasts of wasp killer :evil:
a few summers ago, my neighbours at home went away and so had my mum so they asked me to water their garden for them. I was happily power hosing when i heard something crack and guess what, I'd hit a wasps nest!!!! It was awful like something out a film i honestly had a bout 200 of them flying round my whole body, got stung loads and one on my forehead which swelled right up to the size of an egg! it was a nightmare, i couldn't see for wasps and was running about like a fruit loop as didn't knwo what else to do!
It was fun wastching it, it hit the deck and i just watched it flab about like it was having a fit...could have sprayed more and killed it instantly but i let the little cunt suffer
Thats something i would hate to happen, just one wasp scares me and annoys me, i'd dread to think how i'd be if i found a nest
im shit scared of wasps you dont normally see that many, except in August and September, its mainly just bees in the first half of the summer who dont bother you at all and actually when i was replacing the flat roof on my extension about a months ago, i found a couple of slightly-crawling nearly-dead wasps and a wasps nest
stories like that will give me nightmares i actually do have nightmares where i get cornered by giant wasps, then i wake up - happens say 10-15 times a year
i hate bees aswell tbh, think i posted about it a while back had a horrible experience http://www.nucastle.co.uk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25174&highlight=bees
If a wasp flies into your home take advantage of the situation instead of running away like a girl: WASP BASEBALL Hours of fun, 1st one to get stung is out A rolled up paper usually does the trick
there was a wasp in my loft a month or two ago.. just slowly floating around. I dunno how it was alive.