WAX:ON 2ND ANNUAL DJ COMPETITION - postponed further We're really really really sorry, but we have had to postpone the DJ competition further. The competiton will go ahead in the near future, and all applications submitted so far are valid so please keep your eyes and ears peeled... All competitors will be notified by email as soon as the competition is ready to roll.
Hi Guys, We've had a shit load on with our upcoming Leeds date, launching our new night Hi:Fi which starts next Friday at The Other Rooms and all the usual which comes with running Wax:On on a weekly basis... It was becoming clear that if we ran the DJ competition (which we have been trying to do) it was going to be a shoddy thrown together affair and we really want it to be a great event. We've just put it on the backburner for a few weeks max while we consolidate everything else, so we can make sure we do it justice. All applications are still valid and we'll be contacting all the competitors very soon with acceptances and heat dates. Sorry for all the messing around with this, just please bear with us for a couple of weeks...