Wax On last night Anyone there? Freq Nasty was quite good, pretty average really. Some right wankers in though? Not a very good atmosphere, loads of attitude and my mate got started on in the toilets. Was even asked "sort iz a pill man ya daft cunt" Highlight of the night for me, obviously a total prick.
Re: Wax On last night class. wouldnt of thought wax on was like that though, but then, they have gone downhill since moving to didgery-doo-shit haven't they?
lol ive never been aggressively asked for a pill like.get asked if im selling quite regularly though lol
Re: Re: Wax On last night I genuinely never thought anyone would ever use the words "daft cunt" when asking to buy a pill. What a massive wanker. Was worth the laugh though.
Quite average really I thought. Lots of stuff getting repeated. Remember one that was on quite a lot that was meant to look like a windows error but said "terror" and was dated 9/11 with a picture of a bomb on it. Also lots about human cloning.