Wax On last night? Anyone else go? It was my first time at digital and i have to admit within about 5 minutes of walking in there, i wanted to leave immediately - It felt way too open, busy and 'pushy' - but i was a bit tired so that had alot to do with it it. Had a good night in the end though, and once we found a decent spot - managed to stay there for a few hours and enjoy what sounded very much like ...... TRANCE! Dont think Mylo was on till the last 90 minutes or something and we left at about 2.30 so only caught tiga - but i enjoyed his set quite alot. Nice to see a few familiar faces .... and nice to finally meet...... Alexander!!!!!
Re: Wax On last night? I know what you mean about Digital. I still think that Foundation is the better club!
I was there, but with a broken elbow it was a bit too busy and kept gettn gpushed around so spent a lot of time in the back room and the vip bit. Also getting a cold and have now totally lost my voice Still had a good night though and had a good little boogy every time I did venture downstairs. Seemed to be full of lots of complete tosspots though and the usual gropers were out in force Of the people I saw, I recall Purvy, Tecknofish, Alex (and those dreadful sunglasses ), Vinny, Brid and Cookee
I had a great time last night, altho I cant feel my toes today, I feel sooo hungover and my voice is all croaky Lasted til 2am which I consider quite good since I havent been out this year Gutted I didnt get to see Mylo, but Tiga was awesome! I liked Digital, altho it got a bit busy near when I left and got sick of being bumped. Was fab seeing some people I havent in soo long. I was looking for Rob and Ruth but couldnt find Brid, you were well into my mate!!! And how skinny is Alex??
Harmless banter! We kept headbutting each other which was quite funny.... cause of the bloody crowds! Thats what did my nut in about that club - the layout makes it a proper 'pushathon', probably cause it never started life out as a night club means people are streaming across the dancefloor all the time since i doubt they have much chance to design it around the way they want peeps to move around. Sound system isnt a patch on Fabrics Nice though .... Toilets arent bad either
She was well impressed with ur car!!! Eurgh, hate when memories come back Gonna knack Chris Spence for getting the DJ to humiliate me in Mushroom Bar :evil: And can you believe I bumped into my next door neighbour in Digital! :wtf:
i don't like raspberry vodka anymore:evil: i think i will be sick at the sight of one, i feel sick even thinking about it. was anyone else cold last night in digital? i was absolutley freezing and left early because of it. still has an excellent night though, seen loads and loads of people i've not seen in years!
I thought it as perfect. Wasnt sweating like usual in a busy club. You look diff every time I see you Sarah. Your always changing ur hair. Its like the first thing I say to you
Lol, i get bored, but it's staying like this now, it was getting all knacked off keep changing the colour
TWICE and then not having enough money to pay for their drinks after blagging their way into the VIP bit and having to leave
Re: Wax On last night? nice to meet you sorry if i was a tad pissed i'd been out since 3, managed to stay till the end though, mylo and tiga both rocked my world, had a fucking awesome time. Except for the bag pipes and that awful last tune mylo played, wtf was that all about. Nice to meet cookee to and vin, think i meet others to sory if i forgot you i was pissed.