We got Eddie! Who's next? We wanted Eddie and the club listened to us. Who do you think we should try and get them to get next? If I've missed anyone who you think is worthy please tell us who they are and why you think they would be good.
He is booked for the end of may. Johan Gielen gets my vote along with blank & jones. Sven Vath is also brilliant but maybe he's not a promise DJ??? Well they booked mauro i suppose.....
i must admit i had some quality nites with dave especialy the night he finished with planet funk and yeke yeke. my poll is more about djs who havent been b4 who we want 2 introduce 2 promise!
HHHMMMMMM, I think outta all of them, I would really love to see either Dumonde, Rank 1 or Blank & Jones!! Got pretty much sets from all of them, and SHOKK r wicked too!! Every set I ve heard from these guys hasnt failed to impress me, even with Oakie, Corsten, Gielen, Van Buuren I ve heard crap sets from them, but never from Rank 1, Dumonde or Blank & Jones
i has voted for all of them!!!! havent been in the clubbing scene that long so wud like to c all of them lol
Yeah get Scot Project pls pls pls, he'll rock the place just like Corvin and Halliwell did I reckon. but it'll be months away won't it cos you're booked up for ages and ages
OH MY GOD CAN THIS CLUB GET ANY BETTER???!!!!!!!!! can it though seriously its just absolutley unbelievable though isnt it??!!! anyone we want and within a couple ov weeks days or whatever we have them booked thank you sooo sooo much promise n mark n whoever else has " made this possible" god i sound like im doin an oscars acceptant speech dont i??!!! talking of the oscars did anyone see halle berry when she got up on stage...right then(!) oooo im sooo looking forward to the next few months and yey yey yey marco v woooooo i think i mite be getting a bit over excited here but neva mind!! xxxx
Then its gotta be Blank & Jones, or Rank 1!!! But same as fufu, b4 sept please, coz I might have dissapeared by then too