Friday - trying out new rollerblades Saturday - BBQ at a friend's Sunday - rollerblade lesson, then out to dinner
friday - workin through the day then prob see stu later on saturday - go out or something if it's a nice day, nothing too wild! i want a quiet weekend sunday - lunch
Im going to Manchester. Staying in Didsbury i think. Should be good fun, theres supposed to be a good vintage handbag shop ill be going to on sat too!
Hyde Parks lovely so is St James Park, your never to old to try new things hope you have lots of fun I really miss London
have a good time!!! ive just remembered you tellin me bout the handbag shop on sat night!!! :blush: god how spannered were we
St James is one of my favourites - love the pelicans! I walk in Holland Park most lunchtimes, saw a peacock in full display yesterday.
I know! i was knackerd too, been doing 10 hour shifts at work and it was getting to me! Ill try not to get so bad this weekend
There are plenty of squirrels aswell! My ex lived not far from their we used to chill out most nights down their I didn’t realise they had pelicans. Have you been to Battersea Park or Primrose Hill yet?
Fri nite - working Sat nite - working Sun nite - working How exciting............ bring on the weekend! But atleast I'll be rich voor the weekend after, PVD!
Re: Weekend Plans Friday - Off to a wedding doo thing Saturday - Seeing some mates then having a Jap movie night Sunday - my day of rest